Hi - I'm Stanley
I decided to pop in here today and hang out and see what all this blogging stuff is about.
I see Hazel and Emily are here. Hi Girls!!Yvette is tearing up the house looking for a bottle of green paint. She can't find it anywhere and says she can't finish what she is working on with out it.
Do you know where it is so she can get back to work?
She is not happy!! She has been looking for it for two days now. Oh my you crafty sorts. You get an idea in your heads and just won't let go until you finish! I say move on to something else or paint it purple!
You should be like me and just have fun swinging on the chandelier, lounging on the couch and eating chocolate!!
Anyway she is calling so I better go and help her look!
Bye. "o)
ROFL!!! Nice to meet you, Stanley.
Now get down off that chandelier and find that green paint for Yvette!
Girl, you are too funny....
Linda F from FL
LOL, Stanley. You are a cutie, but you are NOT helping! Tell Yvette to grab her purse and head to the craft store to pick up another bottle of green paint, and anything else she might have forgotten she needs at the moment. Sheesh... ;-)
Dear me, I feel compelled to confess something right here in public on Yvette's blog. (No! I DIDN'T take her green paint!) I have a passion for - blush, blush - sock monkeys and any monkey even vaguely RESEMBLING a sock monkey. You not only fill that description, Stanley, but with your dapper dots, you are QUITE the HANDSOME fellow! Could this be LOVE? Sigh ...
Darling Little guys, just like my Honey and his namesake, Stanley, hehehe!
Oh my Stanley tell her to sit down have a cup-a enjoy the morning from inside her cozy house and then she can SCREAM FOR THE GREEN if that doesn't work I'd just go get more or mix blue and yellow...HeHe LOL!
If all else fails just delete this! LOL!
Hugs, Linda Kay
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